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    The story takes place in a futuristic version of Bucharest, capital of Romania, After a series of natural catastrophies, the city is cut off from the rest of the world by a huge cliffed landscape that envelops the area around the city. Bacause none of the people who tried to cross that landscape ever returned, it was soon called "Moartea" (lit. "death").

    After nearly a century of unrest and a struggle for ressources, the city was divided into two districts: the inner district called Bucha and the outer district called Rest,

    While people in Rest still struggle to survive, the economic status in Bucha rose, due to a heavy focus on researching ...


    Intro 1

    Intro 1

    As seen in the game's intro sequence, the world (and especially Erope) used to be as we know it, until...

    Intro 2

    Intro 2

    ...the world "fell apart". Finding out the truth behind that sentece is one of the more difficult tasks in the game.

    The World

    The World

    This map shows the areas of all 3 districts: Moartea, the death zone is the unexplored land. Rest, the outer district is a place of public unrest. Bucha is the city's core with it's focus on natural science and development research.

    Map of Bucha

    Map of Bucha

    Some of the most important places include Lake Mori which serves as a water reservoir, the university campus, research facilities like the botanical garden, the parliament building and the trading station that connects Bucha with the outer district. In order to prevent illegal immigration from the outer district, Bucha is surrounded by walls that are secured by a military force (the garrison).

    The Cloud

    The Cloud

    "The cloud" is a network that connects all citizens and stores the data of everything that is done in the inner district. The data can be accessed by the public (except for marked data for which a security certificate is necessary) via mobile terminals.

    Transmutation of Species

    Transmutation of Species

    One of the most important research fields in Bucha is the transmutation of species, a research that was promoted even before New Bucharest was established. Fast growing crops and bioluminescent trees are some of the successful products of this research field.

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